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Kristy's Publications
Kristy's Resume
Warning Letters: Annoying? Yes. Protected? Maybe. Lite-Netics v. Holiday Bright Lights
Apple v. Zipit – A Patentee’s Right to Notify Without Being Dragged into an Undesirable Jurisdiction
Post-Grant Estoppel, Overturning Shaw: Uninstituted Claims and Grounds “Could Have [Been] Raised”
Social Distancing: the Location, Location, Location of the Detroit Patent Office
Patent Appraisals - Apportionment and the Comparable Sales Method
Omni MedSci v. Apple: Royalty Theft—Preserving Employer Invention Rights
Details Matter -- §112, a less obvious obviousness standard
Joining an Existing Inter Partes Review: Two Rolls of the Same Die
The US Supreme Court & Intellectual Property Law
Avoiding Malpractice Traps, Lessons Learned from a Recent CAFC Decision
US PTO v. NantKwest, “Expenses” Do NOT include Patent Office Salaries
A Deadbeat Patent Office... Has Institution Discretion Become an Excuse for Head Burying?
Federal Government Shutdown... Again?!?!?!
Monopoly... "There's an App for That!"
What is in Bloom This Season??? Section 101 Patent Reform
March 2019, Motion to Amend Mania!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marrying Women to Innovation... Our Progress and Our Potential
The AIA and the On-Sale Bar... It Still Applies to Confidential Sales
“Conventionality” under Mayo-Alice... a True Question of Fact?
Nurturing Inventions, Printed Publications & Patentability
AIA Post-Grant Proceedings, Ever-Evolving . . .
Inter Partes Review Petitions, Even More Lessons Learned on Barring
“Barred”? – Not So Much. Appellate Review of IPR Institution Decisions
Did You Drop Something… Something Like Attorneys’ Fees? (NantKwest v. US PTO)
WesternGeco v. ION Geophysical, 271(f) & Global Lost Profit Recovery
Lesson Menu: Venue, TC Heartland Progeny
Inter Partes Reviews, Constitutionality & Scope
35 USC 101, Still a Sea of Questions
Polaris v. Artic Cat, Obviously, there are still more 103 lessons to learn
Wait... Now Timing is of the Essence? Reviewability of IPR Institution Decisions
Yes, Your Read is Accurate... business method patentees can be liable for attorney fees post-Alice
Functional Claim Language & Indefiniteness, Sometimes Different Sides of the Same Coin... Someti
Aqua Products v. US PTO, Post-Grant Amendment Burdens
In re: Cray, Inc., Venue and Remote Employees
NantKwest, Inc. v. Matal, USPTO & Section 145 Attorneys’ Fees
AIA Trials & the Non-Story of Patent Owner Preliminary Responses
The Complexities of Modern Priority -- A Question of 102, 112 or Both?
Trademark's "Happy Talk Clause" (Matal v. Tam)
Taking Notes, Global Portfolio Management Strategies in view of Life Technologies v. Promega
Patent Litigation Estoppel, Still a Quagmire?
IP Venue, Does the Course Really Matter?
Venue Matters? Yes, Venue Matters - Section 1400(b)
US Patent Office
AIPLA Newstand
AIPLA Direct
Gray on Claims
Bilski Blog
Marquette IP Law Review
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