Warning Letters: Annoying? Yes. Protected? Maybe. Lite-Netics v. Holiday Bright Lights
Many contemporary businesses complain about being sent broad sweeping warning letters of infringement that disturb their dealings or harm...

Apple v. Zipit – A Patentee’s Right to Notify Without Being Dragged into an Undesirable Jurisdiction
Patentees have a property interest in their patents; one of the important aspects of owning a patent is being able to exclude others. ...
![Post-Grant Estoppel, Overturning Shaw: Uninstituted Claims and Grounds “Could Have [Been] Raised”](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/35a9ec_146a43572b7b4efdabf4143d49ab2bdd~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_720,h_474,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/35a9ec_146a43572b7b4efdabf4143d49ab2bdd~mv2.webp)
Post-Grant Estoppel, Overturning Shaw: Uninstituted Claims and Grounds “Could Have [Been] Raised”
In the Central District of California, Caltech alleged that Broadcom and Apple infringed some of its patents on circuits having error...

Social Distancing: the Location, Location, Location of the Detroit Patent Office
As patent stakeholders here in Southeastern Michigan we must ask ourselves a very important question regarding our future and the Detroit...

Patent Appraisals - Apportionment and the Comparable Sales Method
Patent valuation is an important consideration for many stakeholders. As a patent professional, one is constantly looking for new ways...

Omni MedSci v. Apple: Royalty Theft—Preserving Employer Invention Rights
A recent US Court of Appeals case involving Michigan parties muddies the law on assignments and employer ownership rights. Omni MedSci v....

Details Matter -- §112, a less obvious obviousness standard
Many seasoned patent prosecution attorneys are well familiar with the standards of enablement under Section 112 and nonobviousness under...

Joining an Existing Inter Partes Review: Two Rolls of the Same Die
Do two half bites of the same apple equal a whole? This is possibly true if you join a post-grant proceeding at the Patent Office. It is...

The US Supreme Court & Intellectual Property Law
This year the US Supreme Court decided a litany of intellectual property cases. As to patents, the Supreme Court reviewed the Court of...

Avoiding Malpractice Traps, Lessons Learned from a Recent CAFC Decision
In a perfect world, every attorney would be totally serious about their practice.... acting only in good faith, being capable of...